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How To increase The Growth of Broilers

To increase the growth rate of broilers, consider the following:


1. Balanced diet: Provide a nutrient-rich feed with adequate protein (22-24% for starters, 20-22% for finishers), energy, vitamins, and minerals.
2. Feed quality: Ensure feed is fresh, palatable, and free from contaminants.
3. Feed formulation: Adjust feed composition according to age, breed, and environmental conditions.


1. Vaccination: Implement a comprehensive vaccination program to prevent diseases.
2. Biosecurity: Maintain strict biosecurity measures to minimize disease risk.
3. Sanitation: Ensure clean and hygienic conditions in the coop.


1. Temperature control: Maintain optimal temperatures (18-24°C/64-75°F) for broilers.
2. Ventilation: Ensure adequate ventilation to prevent ammonia buildup and heat stress.
3. Lighting: Provide adequate lighting (23-24 hours/day) to promote feeding and growth.


1. Stocking density: Maintain optimal stocking density (0.1-0.15 m²/bird) to reduce stress.
2. Water quality: Ensure access to clean, fresh water.
3. Feeding frequency: Increase feeding frequency to encourage consumption.
4. Monitoring: Regularly monitor growth, health, and feed consumption.


1. Select breeds: Choose breeds known for fast growth rates (e.g., Ross 308, Cobb 500).
2. Breeding programs: Implement breeding programs to improve genetic potential.

Additional Tips:

1. Probiotics: Supplement feed with probiotics to enhance gut health.
2. Enzymes: Add enzymes to feed to improve nutrient absorption.
3. Growth promoters: Consider using approved growth promoters (e.g., antibiotics, hormone-free alternatives).

Target Growth Rates:

– 1-3 weeks: 100-150g/day
– 4-6 weeks: 200-250g/day
– 7-9 weeks: 250-300g/day

Consult with a poultry expert or veterinarian to develop a customized growth plan tailored to your specific operation.

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