Benefits of Ascorbic acid Supplment in Poultry

Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) supplements have numerous benefits for poultry:

Health Benefits:

1. Immune system enhancement: Boosts antibody production and immune response.
2. Disease resistance: Helps combat viral and bacterial infections.
3. Stress reduction: Mitigates stress-related disorders and mortality.
4. Antioxidant properties: Neutralizes free radicals, reducing oxidative stress.
5. Improved gut health: Enhances gut integrity and digestive efficiency.

Performance Benefits:

1. Growth promotion: Enhances growth rate and feed efficiency.
2. Improved feed conversion ratio (FCR): Optimizes nutrient utilization.
3. Increased egg production: Boosts laying performance in layers.
4. Better hatchability: Improves fertility and hatchability in breeders.
5. Reduced mortality: Decreases mortality rates, especially during stress periods.

Reproductive Benefits:

1. Enhanced fertility: Improves semen quality and fertility in males.
2. Improved eggshell quality: Strengthens eggshells, reducing breakage.
3. Increased reproductive efficiency: Optimizes breeding performance.

Nutritional Benefits:

1. Collagen synthesis: Essential for bone growth and development.
2. Iron absorption: Enhances iron absorption, reducing anemia risk.
3. Antioxidant function: Protects against oxidative damage.

Stress-Related Benefits:

1. Heat stress mitigation: Helps alleviate heat stress-related issues.
2. Transportation stress reduction: Minimizes stress during transportation.
3. Vaccination stress relief: Eases stress associated with vaccination.

Dosage and Administration:

1. Broilers: 100-200 mg/kg feed.
2. Layers: 150-300 mg/kg feed.
3. Breeders: 200-400 mg/kg feed.
4. Water supplementation: 100-500 ppm.

Important Notes:

1. Consult a veterinarian or poultry nutritionist for specific recommendations.
2. Ensure proper storage and handling to maintain vitamin C stability.
3. Monitor birds’ response to supplementation and adjust as needed.


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